Honduras Organic FTO

Honduras Organic FTO


full-bodied with a sweet and mild taste. Produced by a female farmer, Luz E. Zelaya. Luz is a member or COMUCAP, an all-woman cooperative that’s comprised of 256-members who grow coffee in sixteen small communities around the town of La

Paz, Honduras.

COMUCAP is an acronym that roughly translates to “Coordinating Association of Rural Women in La Paz. The cooperative was founded in 1993 to raise awareness of women’s rights and to initiate economic autonomy through the marketing and sale of coffee and other agricultural products. COMUCAP provides its members with opportunities they might not have had otherwise. Traditionally, the women of La Paz primary role was to raise children and to care for the household. They relied on men for economic support. Many of the women had worked as coffee farm laborers, but did not own land or have the ability to conduct business or make agricultural decisions. COMUCAP encourages members to participate in the decision-making process in their communities and works to provide opportunities to develop technical, financial and political skills.

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